Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Creepy Centerpiece

I wanted to put up some fall and Halloween decorations. I went to the dollar store to see what I could put together and came up with this idea. It is super easy, but I love the way it turned out. I had a glass pitcher and an orange placemat already. At the store I found some autumn-color flowers, a bag of potpourri to use as filler and some spider webs.

I poured the potpourri in the pitcher, arranged the flowers how I liked them and then used some of the spider web to stretch over the flowers. Add the plastic spiders and you have a simple, creepy centerpiece for your table. And, once Halloween is over I will be able to remove the spider web and still have a fall flower arrangement to use for a few weeks. Fun, simple and inexpensive. Love it.


I also found these bottle labels at the dollar store. I searched my house for some miscellaneous jars and filled them with water and food coloring, but I think I will have to look for some more authentic apothecary jars for next year to increase the effect. Still something quick and fun to put on a shelf. You could easily make some labels or print some off the internet if your local store doesn't have any available.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Check Out the View

Fall is my favorite season. It doesn't seem to last too long here in Utah since we go from hot to snow pretty quickly. But we have had a couple weeks of that perfect brisk sweater weather and I admit, I kinda love it! A couple of weeks ago we took a Sunday afternoon to drive up Little Cottonwood Canyon and see the color changes. It was a little early in the season, so it was still very green, but the patches of red and orange showing up was so beautiful! Utah is such a gorgeous place to live. I am very grateful for it. We have the mountains, fantastic bodies of water, plenty of trees and classic season weather changes. What's not to love?

I think it may be time for some fall decorations and maybe a Halloween party or two...